We believe in mahi that matters. We use our experience to create work that has a positive impact on people, the planet and communities.
Social Good is a Māori-owned business that applies kaupapa Māori principles to our mahi.
Our name Social Good represents our work in social media and our commitment to good kaupapa. We believe that our work shouldn’t harm the planet, and that our super social media powers should always help people. So, any work we do must do good for our people and planet.
Kia ngākaupai te tipu | Growing goodness
We commit to growing good through gifting our time, knowledge and pūtea to organisations helping people or Papatūānuku/planet. We plant trees with every invoice sent via Trees That Count as a way to continue good growth.
We are digital communicators, specialists in marketing, social media, brand, digital training and communications. Strategic, system-wide thinking is what we do best.
We are experienced behaviour-change campaigners, who deliver measurable impacts. Social Good uses digital channels, data, insights and knowledge to make the best decisions for you and your business.
We believe in building capability within your teams. We love creating simple, sustainable systems to achieve what you need and then training your people to deliver.
Here’s some of what we can do and if we can’t do it, we can connect you with someone who can.

Our Services
Need a plan? We’ll work with you to define your direction, channel mix and strategy to connect with your audience & support your goals.
Custom training and workshops on topics like: digital communications, strategy, social media.
Experienced speaker on specialist topics like: social media, crisis communications and behaviour change marketing.
Cross-channel strategy, approach and delivery. We’ll write digital content, create plans that align to your wider strategy and advise on best practice.
We’ll create social media content for you and your channels to connect with your audience & meet your goals.
With an in-house TikTok creator, two graphic designers and a heap of experience, we’ll get your content looking sharp on your channels.
Build capability with one to one mentoring, coaching and training on digital communications, social media, management. This is a good option for developing staff and building capability within your team.
Seek specialist advice with advisory services.
We’ll work with you to create a social marketing campaign that reaches exactly who you need it to.
We’ll create campaign concepts, strategy, create and run ads across social platforms and Google.
We’ll take care of your community when you can’t. We’ll put in systems to manage responses and we’re a great help in an emergency.
Kaupapa | Our Values

We seek out work that positively impacts people. This means accessible, inclusionary digital strategies. It means upholding the mana of those we are connecting with & ensuring all voices are brought to the table.

We seek out work that has a positive impact on te taiao (the environment) and the planet. We are fierce advocates for climate action and believe that good communications and marketing is a key element for climate action.

We believe all good kaupapa should have access to marketing and communications support to progress their work. We gift training and strategy to not-for-profits who need it with a focus on building the capability of their teams.
Ko wai mātou | Our Team

Katie Brown
Raukawa, Ngāti Whātua
A digital native and strategic communicator specialising in social media and digital channels. Problem solver, innovator and creator. And, a proud Māori business owner!
My experience has always been in digital channels with my career starting at Trade Me in 2005. I’ve worked for a web design agency creating websites and apps, then at ACC created NZ Government’s first full-service social media team. I’m proud to have led the complete rewrite of ACC’s website, going from 10,000 pages to around 1,200 highly visited pages. In my time at ACC, I led the delivery of over 300 behaviour-change campaigns on digital channels. Since creating my own consulting and contracting business, I’ve worked with:
Ministry of Health, Ministry for the Environment, Ministry of Justice, Haines Attract, Habit, NIWA, Massey University, Hutt City Council, Porirua City Council, Rugby New Zealand, Te Ora – Māori Health Practitioners, Whāriki Maori Business Network, Oranga Tamariki, Internet NZ, Our Energy, Te Papa Venues, BRANZ, Environmental Authority Agency, MOTU and many more.
A career highlight and honour was my role as lead of digital communications for the All of Government response to COVID-19 for New Zealand.
I am a Facebook Community Trainer for New Zealand and I’m the co-owner of Te Hapori Matihiko – a community for Māori in digital and tech.
I believe in the power of digital communication for good. I’m an advocate for ethical marketing and my approach to marketing and communications always starts with the audience.
Let’s connect on LinkedIn!

Tevan Brandt
Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Whātua
Tevan Brandt is a communications professional with a strong foundation in promoting diversity and equity in technology. Tevan enjoys working with Kaupapa Māori businesses, leveraging her expertise to support their growth and success. With a keen eye for the ever-evolving world of social media, branding, and marketing, Tevan is dedicated to creating connections and fostering positive change in the tech community.

Zoë Liddell
Kāi Tahu
Kia ora! I am a digital marketing specialist who loves to craft and execute effective organic and paid content that connects with people. I care about supporting positive kaupapa that has a direct impact on the community. I enjoy utilising my marketing and design skills to support growth and change that will lead to a sustainable and inclusive future.
We welcome a kōrero to talk about your idea or project.
Find out about the different ways we can work with you including digital strategy, social media, mentoring, community management.
Lower Hutt, Wellington, Aotearoa, NZ
Phone Number
021 945 935