Te Hapori Matihiko
Funding, Leadership, Project Management, Social Media, Communications, Marketing
Te Hapori Matihiko (www.matihiko.nz) is a community for Māori in Digital and Tech. It was founded in 2022 by Katie Brown and Lee Timutimu. Katie and Lee secured funding from MBIE as part of their Māori
Innovation funding.
Te Hapori Matihiko is a kaupapa (intiative) by Māori, for Māori, of Māori.
Te Hapori Matihiko is passionate about increasing Māori representation in the industry, growing capabilities and recognising Māori who do amazing things in Digitech.
Te Hapori Matihiko offers mātauranga sessions with leaders in the hapori, wānanga, cultural support, and opportunities to contribute digital skills and expertise back to your rohe.
The Matihiko Awards is the annual event, and recognise Māori Digitech excellence. The celebration and visibility of our people is an important step in creating leadership pathways for Māori in Digitech.
The Social Good team works across both organisations and supports Te Hapori Matihiko with marketing, communications, paid promotion, video content and campaign delivery. During the event Social Good supports with the promotion of the event and any additional work needed.